Spain | Castilla y León | Viña Sastre

Viña Sastre

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Viña Sastre is a family-run winery located in the heart of the D.O. in the town of La Horra. It boasts some of the oldest vineyards in the Ribera del Duero region.  Jesús Sastre is the winemaker and vineyard manager, whose philosophies and winemaking talents have been a driving force of the winery. The Sastres inherited from their father and grandfather prime vineyard sites in the Burgos area of Ribera del Duero and have been committed to organic farming and biodynamic agricultural principles for several years.

All the wines are made in the most natural manner- never fined or filtered. The wines are cold stabilized naturally by moving the wine from the barrel room to separate tanks in a part of the winery whose temperature is naturally regulated by the outdoor temperatures. This is all a part of the vision that Jesús and his late brother Pedro shared for making wine in the most natural way possible.

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