Spirits | North America | New York | Good Liquorworks

Good Liquorworks




The mission at Good Liquorworks is to develop new, climate-positive spirits from overlooked agricultural byproducts and novel ingredients. Their first spirit, Good Vodka, is made by fermenting and distilling the husk & pulp typically discarded during coffee bean harvesting. The idea came to co-founder Tristan Willey when visiting a coffee farm in Guatemala. While there, he noticed large heaps of coffee fruit, or “cascara” left to rot on the farm. Knowing the fruit contained sugar, Tristan thought he could probably repurpose this fruit to make spirit. After more travel and research, Tristan and business partner Max Byrne started sourcing coffee fruit from the Caldas region of Colombia for their first bottling. They work directly with the Colombian Coffee Federation to compensate farmers for their fruit waste. The coffee fruit is concentrated and shipped to Finger Lakes Distilling where it is fermented and distilled. Good Vodka uses 1% of the water typically required to produce spirits and each bottle is made from recycled glass. These aspects and others contributed to Good Vodka being a carbon-negative spirit.